Moving Exhibition Manifeste 1989


The Manifeste Moving Exhibition from 1989  by Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel was first printed as poster in May 1989 for an exhibition in 4 acts in Copenhagen starting 6 th June 1989

Everythink Thierry Geoffroy did , do or will be doing is  written in the Manifeste  :  conviviality , participation art  , art in public space , exhibitionistes  -friends , public-private , ultrafast exhibitions ,
hijjacking actions , exhibitions in acts , mobility..conviviality ..etc can be found in this 1989 Manifeste . What can be grounding of what became the facebook format ( friends exposing  updates status and interacting in communaties  )  is also  in it  . ( see exhibition at Sprengel Museum curated by Inka Schube , also notes by Tijana Miskovic )

Format Art like Emergency Room , Critical Run , Biennalist , Penetrations find  also their groundings in this manifeste from 1989  .

The photo of the manifeste is a selfportrait  at the age of 13 .

A 5 pages developped illustrated version with examples of the differents type of moving exhibition  was published by the Museum  in  Katalog 1989 Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense  also in 1989 by Henning Hansen  . A development also exist in Thierry Geoffroy book " stratégies d ' existence "
( ISBN 8772456949 ) , as well as reference in the Emergency Room dictionary .

Original text   in french  with the classification of the 5 types  /+   large size  poster .

Danish version published in  Katalog, Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense, 1989

Danish interpetretation by Morten Friis in 1000 Øjne 1989 ( DK )   

texte by Rune Gade on the moving exhibition de type semi bourgeoise exhibitioniste

The night of the 4th and 5 th june the  Manifeste was surrimpressed with the danish news paper Politiken ( blood  bath in China ) and exhibited the 5 th june
this was a emergency art work from 1989 .  This art work has been purchased by the Heart museum in Herning .

usefull links :

chronologie by Inka Schube / Sprengel Museum Hanover (1961-2000)

Emergency Room


Critical Run

Thierry Geoffroy / wikipedia